Hi Everyone,
I have some Server 2008 r2 boxes setup with XenApp 6.5 and i noticed things like the date format was not sticking between sessions. As it turns out pinned the task bar items and start menu items are not being displayed correctly either.
Login to the server with a new profile, pin notepad to the task bar and start menu.
Log back into the server and the items are not showing, if you check \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\user pinned\etc.. the short cuts are there, so they are being saved to the profile, just not displayed at login.
I had citrix profile managment setup, and for testing i have uninstalled it on a copy of my vm with the same results, all GPO have been filtered based on group membership so the only thing that is in place are some wsus settings and some service account configurations.
they are not hidden or anything
Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this if they wanted to so i can try to undo it to this server?